In school, we teach children about what it means to have good mental health and wellbeing throughout our curriculum and daily practice.
Our PSHE curriculum focuses specifically on developing children’s social and emotional skills which can prevent poor mental health from developing and help all children cope effectively with setbacks and remain healthy. It is about helping children to understand and manage their thoughts, feelings and behaviour and build skills that help them to thrive, such as working in a team, persistence, and self-awareness.
At Paganel we promote positive mental health and wellbeing for every member of our school community. This includes children, staff and people within our wider families. We have a supportive and caring ethos model of respect and kindness, where each individual is valued.
Our commitment includes ensuring that we actively nurture our children’s physical and mental health. As a school we ensure our priority is to keep our children safe, and to provide the best possible environment in which every child is cared for and able to learn and grow. This ethos underpins all of our teaching and learning.
Although school staff are not qualified to diagnose mental health conditions, we work in collaboration with external agencies and can help support you in accessing the support needed.
If you are concerned about your child’s wellbeing, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance with your concerns.