In addition to this, it endeavours to prepare the children for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of adult life.
The RE curriculum endeavours to support the development of the school’s core values of respect and enquiry, pupils are exposed to different cultures and religions to develop their understanding, respect and tolerance for those from different backgrounds and also aims to develop children’s sense of self and being thankful and proud of all that they are.
At Paganel from the beginning of a child’s education, we make every effort to explore and learn about their background and the background of others to ensure we understand and celebrate differences.
RE is planned using the Agreed Primary Syllabus for Birmingham and the focus of this syllabus is to gain an understanding of 24 dispositions (see Appendix 1 for a list of dispositions). Religions and religious traditions are taught in conjunction with these dispositions to show how and where they will be developed in a relevant context. When planning the RE curriculum links have been made to a variety of religions and religious traditions to ensure they reflect the background of the community Paganel serves.
We hope that all children will engage actively with the RE curriculum, to ensure they have the confidence and character to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.