Health and Safety

School Entrance

For the safety of children and staff it is essential that you always close the entrance gates and doors behind you securely. The gates to school open at 8:40 every morning and shut after the bell at 8:50, they then reopen at 14:55.  Parents are met at the gates in the mornings by a member of SLT/Pastoral and do not enter site.  In the afternoon parents come onto site.

We ask you not to bring dogs onto the school premises as they may soil the play areas and frighten some children. Thank you for your co-operation.

Bike and Scooters

We have our own bike and scooter store on site. These can be stored here, we cannot accept any responsibility for any damage or loses.

Please ensure that once on the school grounds that your child gets off their scooter or bike and walks it across the playground. This will keep everyone in the playground safe.

Smoking / Drinking

All Birmingham schools are no smoking areas including any electronic smoking devices(Vaping), and this includes the outdoor play areas and the school grounds.  Alcohol is also banned from school premises.

Head Lice

These are very common in every school, but the Health Authority no longer carries out routine inspections in school.  It is important therefore to check your child’s hair regularly.  The Paganel regularly issues advice for parents.


Most parents walk their children to school. If it is necessary for you to drive your child to school please think carefully about where you are parking. Our main aim is to keep children safe please consider this when parking your car.  Paganel is surrounded by housing, the residents need to be able to get in and out of their driveways, please do not block them.

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