Before and After School Clubs

At Paganel we offer a Breakfast and After School Club – WRAP.

These clubs are based within the school grounds and are only for children that attend Paganel Primary School from Reception to Year 6. The charges for this provision are below.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club offers a selection of cereals, toast or fruit, and milk or water, this starts at 7:30am at a charge of £6.00 per session.

If you require any further information please email

After School Club

After School Club provides fruit, a snack eg beans on toast, milk and water throughout the session, and children are welcome to bring an extra healthy snack from home.  The club charges £9.00 per session per child (£16.00 for 2 siblings) 3:00pm-5:30pm.

If you require any further information please email

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